Sunday, January 29, 2017

dos años.

We meet in an old recording studio. It has a small open-air courtyard that we cover with a tarp (it's only once dropped a big water bomb on us during the rainy season). This morning we packed into that little courtyard anxious to celebrate together. 2 years. For two years, we've met together, welcomed new faces, made new friends, and grown our family. We're still trying to figure out what it means to live the gospel in community, but I think today was a glimpse of what it's supposed to look like. 

We officially recognized David as our pastor and it only seemed right that we'd continue celebrating by going out for tacos al pastor

¡Feliz aniversario, comunidad! 
Los quiero. 


  1. This is BEAUTIFUL!

  2. Love and miss every single one of you :-)

    1. couldn't help but think of you guys that day. love you & so grateful that you're apart of that story :)

