We woke up to the wind whistling and gently knocking on our door. The streets were quiet except for the sound of our gym shoes rhythmic beating against the cobblestone and the occasional cackling chicken on the side of the road. Cobblestone was traded for gravel, and gravel traded for a winding trail of tumbling rocks. As the path became steeper, our run slowed and we navigated our way on the ever upwards path, now with our hands to help us climb.
And when we finally made it to the top, we were rewarded with gulps of cold, crisp air (the kind you have to leave the city for)
and a view that makes you stop, sit, and stare for a while.
and a view that makes you stop, sit, and stare for a while.
As we made our way back down, the sun was making it's way higher up. The creases alongside my eyes started to hurt when I smiled, telling me I already had my fair share of sun. Chatty people now crowded the path and shop owners offered candy and trinkets to those at the base of the trail. Descending farther down into the town center, we made our way to breakfast. Then to ice cream. And to tacos. And coffee. And the candy shop...
- a view that a photo will never do justice -
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