I wish I could show you their pictures. Because maybe if you saw faces it would help you understand why each passing week with these girls so increases my joy. How there is nothing better than catching a smile or coaxing out the deepest of belly laughs. And what it is that makes the days so hard and exhausting. But so good.

At the beginning of the new year, I started teaching English at a home for young girls rescued out of trafficking. You won't see their faces unless you come visit (hint, hint..),
but I'm doing my best to capture the sweet, funny, and frequently wild moments sprinkled throughout our days apart from relying on my camera to do all the talking.
Today I was greeted by a hug with a running start. The best kind.
I was invited to sit on a stool and get my hair braided. I accepted.
I cut massive hearts out of cardboard boxes to get painted for room decorations. My hands cramped in those little kid scissors. No problem.
I laid on the floor where the sun shined through the roof and listened to girls talk about their dream houses. Then we drew them.
I busted out family photos. The consensus? John is really strong (but taken?! Bummer.). And Travis, in uniform, is the real "Capitán América".
It was a pretty normal day of classes: fighting for attention, corralling energy, and attempting productivity. It was the usual type of exhausting. But just a few sweet moments kicked it a couple notches past the usual type of "good".
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